Aukema & Associates has a special focus on Taft-Hartley Trusts and multi-employer health & welfare plans, helping develop strategic communications plans and managing outreach to help participants understand their benefits.
Aukema & Associates partners with Taft-Hartley Trusts to provide strategic communications consultation, customizing communications based on the demographics of plan participants and the goals of the Trust, and employing the most effective tactics to reach participants and their families.
Why strategic communications?
The health & welfare and retirement benefits offered through many Taft-Hartley Trusts are valuable but are sometimes under-utilized by Trust participants. With a plan and clear, concise and consistent communications, we can help your plan participants:
- Understand their benefits and how to use them
- Find the most up-to-date plan information and forms
- Take advantage of wellness and other cost-saving programs and resources
- Prepare for a comfortable retirement
What do we do?
We work with Trust Administrators and/or Trustees to create a comprehensive communications program with regular, timely communications designed to empower participants, allow for more self-service, and improve participant satisfaction. We understand that each Taft-Hartley Trust is unique. That is why with each project whether it is a new logo, a communications campaign or a new website, we take the time to get to know your participants, and dive deep in to the details of your benefit plans to craft deliverables that appeal to your participants and are customized to fit your goals.
Here are some of the ways we have helped Taft-Hartley Trusts:
- Created a distinctive brand and logo for the Trust
- Worked with Trust vendors to announce, roll-out and communicate about cost savings and value-added services and benefits on an ongoing basis
- Designed and maintained highly effective Trust websites to serve as a one-stop source of useful information for participants
- Helped format, edited and produced user friendly and attractive SPDs
- Managed ongoing communications with participants to keep them continually up-to-date with print and e-mail newsletters, direct mail, email communications, on-site flyers and posters, and videos
Find out more about our services for Taft-Hartley Trusts.
You can also view or download our Taft-Hartley capabilities booklet with examples of our work.